the world of ulysses black

the world of ulysses black

performance practitioner
visual artist
& ritual researcher

Designed and executed in 2013, this table became outwardly known as the Altar of Abominations, and inwardly referred to as the 'Dartboard of Ulysses Black'. The perimeter of the table carries within its cipher a detailing of the methodology to be used in the fulfillment of the tables function. It shall not be translated here. Within this is a double ringed circle, empty for the application of function specific chalk lettering, that defines the horizon of this working space. Within that, a red heptagon signifies not only the Babalonian nature of the operation, but further concerns the vault of the adepts, and the area within which burn the perpetual lamps of the rosicrucians, in this case the repository of the Inmost Light. Within this motif, an inverse triangle such as is described within chapter 69 of Liber 333, attests not simply to the deity of arrival, but to the descending tongue of grace, that laps the offering upon the altar. From this triangle project 34 illuminating rays. In EQ, 34 is the number of LVX, Light, within western esoteric traditions. While in Hebrew gemetria, 34 is the number of the angel Chahaviah, who addresses the role of tension and its release, and who rules the 7 of Cups (Debauch) within the tarot. Emblazoned upon the central triangle of evocation is a sigillic glyph, the nature of which may be discerned only by the seeing. The altar is preserved from profanation by a cloth of red Masai warrior fabric.    
